As I read Ender’s Game I was struck
by two main themes. These ideas seem to be the focal point of the book, and all
the events and underlying topics boost these two ideas. They are as follows,
and will furthermore be referred to as Focal Point One and Two:
The idea that the whole is more important than
the individual.
Underlying that assumption is the question, “Do
the ends justify the means?”
Can intentions nullify results?
These ideas are played out over and
over again in Ender’s Game. Focal
Point One is first, and most obviously, seen in Graff and the Battle School’s
treatment of Ender. Every move they make is to mold Ender into the best
solider, but by doing so they make him desperately unhappy. The point in this
is obvious, humankind comes before Ender. Ender must by unhappy and alone so
humankind can survive. We see the exact situation played out again in Mazer
Hackman’s sacrifice. He left his life behind to travel in space with the sole
purpose of being alive to train his successor. Mazer very astutely noticed
that, “Humanity does not ask us to be happy. It merely asks us to be brilliant
on it’s behalf (277).”
Point Two is a question commonly asked in literature. I immediately thought of Dante’s Inferno, where the dead were
punished for their crimes despite their innocent intentions. In Ender’s Game this question is first seen
in Ender and Peter’s relationship. Or, more importantly, in Ender’s fear of
being like Peter. Peter is ruthless and cruel, he hurts people to get his way,
but he also enjoys it and it does it on purpose. Ender can also be ruthless. We
saw this when he fought Stilson and Bonzo. While he was fighting in
self-defense, we later learned that he ended up killing both boys. Ender didn’t
fight just to end that battle; he fought to end all future battles. He may not
have meant, or wanted, to kill the boys, but he did use more force than was
strictly needed at the time. Peter, on the other hand, wants and means to hurt
people. Is Ender a more morally valuable person just because he doesn’t mean to
hurt people? In there is death, so does it matter that Ender feels badly and
Peter doesn’t? Throughout the whole book even their sister calls both Ender and
Peter killers. Is an accidental and unwilling killer like Ender still a killer?
Hackman and Ender discuss Focal Point Two on page 270. Mazer says, “Just
because they didn’t know they were killing human beings doesn’t mean they
weren’t killing human beings (270).” Mazer is essentially saying that
intentions don’t matter. It didn’t matter that the Bugger’s didn’t mean to kill
thinking beings, only that they did.
By that logic you could say that Mazer would believe Ender and Peter to
be the same person, or as Valentine would say, two sides of the same coin.
Point Two is again played out in Ender’s defeat of the Giant’s Drink game, the
wolf children, and the Buggers. When Ender finally defeated the giant Anderson said,
I’ve always thought the Giant’s Drink game was the most perverted part of the
whole mind game, but going for the eye like that – this is the one we want to
put in command of our fleet (66)?” Ender defeated the Giant by doing something
ruthless, cruel and perverse, yet it produced the desired results. It was the
only way to win. The same was true of his defeat of the wolf children. The
wolves didn’t know any better, but still Ender had to kill them. Finally, when
Ender destroyed the Bugger’s home world he used the same tactics. Do the
unthinkable to win, to defeat the enemy. Each time Ender didn’t mean to hurt anyone,
but each time he killed ruthlessly and without second thought. Can his good
intentions excuse this?
finally, Ender’s results match his good intentions when he becomes Andrew
Wiggin, Speaker for the Dead. Interestingly enough, Peter decides to try and
make his amends as well. Once again the brother act like two sides of the same
coin with Valentine in the middle. I was left wondering about Peter. He ended
up doing good for the world despite his selfish desires. Essentially, he did
good with bad intentions. Just as Ender could be called a bad person despite
his good intentions, Peter could be called a good person despite bad
intentions. Logic can be a tricky thing.
Card, Orson Scott. Ender's Game. New York: Tor, 1991.
Dante, Alighieri, and Mark Musa. Dante's Inferno.
Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1971.